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Customer Feedback

"The Linen Breeze potpourri has a wonderful clean scent. I placed it in my bathroom in an open basket and it looks and smells wonderful"
Christine, Franklin MA (April 2013)


Lavender Potpourri

I had a pipe burst in my basement and the smell of mildew was horrendous.  I poured a bowl of the lavender potpourri and within 24 hours my basement smelled of lavender. Air freshner and carpet deoderizer didn't get rid of the smell but the lavender potpourri did wonders!!

Karen S. MA (April 2013)


Cinnabun Potpourri

I have placed Cinnabun potpourri throughout my home, it smells absolutely wonderful.  It has made life so much easier, no more sprays and air freshners needed.

Cheryl Q., Coventry, RI  (May 2013)


Cramp/PSM Relief Blend

It smells wonderful and it is soothing and relaxing.  It helped make the cramps go away!!!!

Ashley G., NH (June 2013)


Blemish Buster

It works!!!!  Great stuff, telling all my friends.

Ashley G. (June 2013)


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